Monday, 13 September 2010

clean up video

Over the past couple of weeks I have been trawling through the footage I took at glastonbury festival and sorting it into rushes, seeing the film again has given me a clearer idea of the documentary that I want to make, and have started making a list of the things I want to capture at next years festival while its still in my head.
This year I managed to loose some valuble footage, in one case the tape simply could not be found, having seached everywhere I can only guess it was taped over before been logged and captured! another lesson to be learned 'label tapes clearly' as I found once you have over three tapes it can get quiet confusing, I also had problems with other tapes too this problem I have had before at Uni and that is trouble logging and capturing in final cut (timecode errors) I may try using a different device to play back the tape.
As I was going through the footage I realised I had enough material to make a short peice on the clean up of the festival. This is a matter close to my heart as I have witnessed the devestation and gross amount of waste left behind each year. This was not the case this year and the site was cleared in a matter of weeks.

Glastonbury Site Clean Up

I am going to pass the film on to the festival office, may be it will find its way on to the screen at next years festival, with a bit more luck.